Smile Gallery – Upper Arlington, OH

Real Dental Patients, Proven Results

Seeing a person’s new and improved smile is one of the most powerful testaments to the work of skilled dental professionals. Here, at Glamm Dentistry, we want to put our efforts on display with the help of our satisfied dental patients. Below, you will find our smile gallery, which shows the proven results of those who have entrusted us with their smiles. View the images and give us a call should you have any questions.


Closeup of imperfect smile before cosmetic dentistryBefore
Closeup of beautiful smile after cosmetic dentistryAfter
Closeup of severely damaged and decayed teeth before dental restorationBefore
Closeup of healthy smile after dental restorationAfter
Closeup of smile with teeth of different sizesBefore
Closeup of smile with evenly sized teethAfter
Yellowed smile before teeth whiteningBefore
Bright smile after teeth whiteningAfter
Closeup of smile before dental treatmentBefore
Closeup of smile after dental treatmentAfter
Closeup of smile with several minor imperfections before cosmetic dentistryBefore
Closeup of flawless healthy smile after cosmetic dentistryAfter
Smile with discolored teeth and excess gum tissue before cosmetic dentistryBefore
Bright healthy smile after cosmetic dentistryAfter
Smile with gap between front teethBefore
Closeup of smile after gap between front teeth is closedAfter
Closeup of worn unevenly spaced teeth before dental treatmentBefore
Closeup of repaired evenly spaced teeth after dental treatmentAfter